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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Foreign employees working

The broker said janakapuradhamah Unsuccessful, according to foreign employees working in one village in Dhanusha district are stranded e... thumbnail 1 summary
The broker said janakapuradhamah Unsuccessful, according to foreign employees working in one village in Dhanusha district are stranded eight young men. Foreign employment in Saudi Arabia for the District Machi jhitakaiya VDC eight young are in search of an alternative to return home. Fetching a toll jhitakaiya local resident agent machi jagavira chief Saroj Sharma sent through the foreign employment in Saudi, Arun maravaita, Rajendra Khatwe, rajdev gohitamana, Dev Kumar Yadav, Rampukar Mahara, Mahara and Soman board stranded Prince family have expressed a thousand dinar monthly wages three months before the agreement went to Saudi them hardly more than three hundred denarii there are only paid for the family said. Kathmandu hebhena local broker in the name of the young foreign assistance for Overseas hebhena obharasile himself in position to cooperate young foreign heathen Shera Overseas employment has been sent to the statement SAVE alapatra youth who strive for safe migration project, program coordinator Dhanusha Kumar Karna local broker and the youths Saudi Overseas painful time due to carelessness, having said that spending. Saudisthita a supermarket to pay monthly 1 thousand dinars per one lakh 10 thousand money, saying, Agent feast with young people through the Saudi Overseas was sent. When a company name athaijanalai tingatainga was sent. They do not adequately tyahampani take place without the work of other workers provided the work of immigration coordinator Karn said wings youths now labors in the work they recruit chinera stranded there by the Nepali seeking food and lodging is managed day to speculate statement. Saudi youths stranded after their parents had filed the District Police Office. Police arrested the 24 hours after chieftain was leaving.

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