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Friday, April 22, 2016

The powerful explosion killed 65 in China a hundred

A chemical factory in China's powerful explosion that killed at least 1 hundred and 65 people have been killed . More than a hundred peo... thumbnail 1 summary
A chemical factory in China's powerful explosion that killed at least 1 hundred and 65 people have been killed . More than a hundred people have been injured due to blast is vataieko .China's eastern city of millions of fuel stored in the factory in the fierce blast jinajiyanama least 1 hundred 65 the number of people killed . Last year in August, the northern city of Tianjin Explosion critical chemical explosion, the second powerful explosion . People had fled fighting around the scene of the explosion lagamttai .According to news received the right to store chemicals in the premises of the company Jiangsu dekvio . Chemicals local Xinjiang government said the explosion death toll could rise still try to take control of the fire is being said . Coverage of the incident, the fire store photos chemicals in China smoke covered the sky jinajiyanako is shown .

The government took control of jinajiyana The site is undergoing efforts to normalize the situation . However, due to the explosion that has not been opened . Tianjin in China last August, when a similar explosion of dangerous chemicals , hundreds of people were killed .

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