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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Kathmandu rail way show : Oli

Pokhara - Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has said its focus of development are the most seats . Development and construction of what is to ... thumbnail 1 summary

Pokhara - Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has said its focus of development are the most seats . Development and construction of what is to come in every conflict , saying that he asantosasameta said.I cried most traded in Kathmandu Train Arrival says , Kaski , established puruncaurama management of natural resources are the foundation of college on Wednesday said the prime minister , pointed beak opponent and saw the train chase in Kathmandu . In Nepal , he said , but not in the realm of the rail foot in opposition to said rail daudaerai show .

Nepal two years to make independent provision , he declared . Also brought out some food for sokhaka not necessary for survival , he said. Prime Minister KP Oli will not last as long as one is hungry , he said , does not mean I have the popularity , the people I am trying to dukhakasta unusual .

Speaking at the 13th graduation ceremony of the University of Pokhara Wednesday oriented quality education, said the need of the present . University various topics and levels of 4 thousand 4 hundred 9 3 students have been initiated .

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