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Thursday, April 21, 2016

7.8 magnitude earthquake in Quito Ecuador

The death toll from Saturday's magnitude-7.8 earthquake in Ecuador swept past 500 Wednesday evening, surpassing an unwanted milestone in... thumbnail 1 summary
The death toll from Saturday's magnitude-7.8 earthquake in Ecuador swept past 500 Wednesday evening, surpassing an unwanted milestone in the worst disaster the country has seen in decades. At least 570 people are now known to have died in the quake, according to Ecuador's Risk Management Office. The agency also reported that 155 people remain missing, and 7,015 injured. It also announced that almost 25,000 people remain in shelters. Most of the deaths came from three towns in coastal Ecuador: Manta, Portoviejo and Pedernales, according to statistics provided by the office.

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