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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

A woman accused of killing her baby are arrested

Bhojpur, June 15 - A woman accused of killing her baby are arrested. By pressing the murder of a newborn baby born illegitimate relationsh... thumbnail 1 summary
Bhojpur, June 15 - A woman accused of killing her baby are arrested. By pressing the murder of a newborn baby born illegitimate relationship Dobhane -2 thumlunaki 40-year-old woman was arrested Maiya Tamang.
He Invalid pregnancies and babies have been born 9 killed, police said. Her daughter told her the villagers did not bhetepechi grass thurapoma baby body.
Maiyale baby mouth shut accept the police murder, police said. Whose womb that carried the accused can not be sure, police said. Baby-mortem has been Bhojpur district hospital. Maiya police had arrested his own house research.

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