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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

share maket using black to white money

KATHMANDU, June 15-ekajana businessman to buy two million shares of bringing vain, I have kept the money at the office, "the broker s... thumbnail 1 summary
KATHMANDU, June 15-ekajana businessman to buy two million shares of bringing vain, I have kept the money at the office, "the broker said a few days ago, the share gains informal gatherings, 'then that there would be some discomfort? Its stress me. "He suggested that such a business is to survive when he was given another broker said.

The broker in charge of bringing in large quantities of cash investors have said this is not the first incident.

Large business house, the foreign investment in Nepal, established players in the market and thus a large quantity of government employees who have been operating the share purchase amount. They paid cash to the broker of their faith, says the stakeholders. According to the source, so to come Brokers most prized unlocked, the new magazine is printed the news.

Gurantee large part of the payment amount can be earned connivance or corruption. 'This is the way to use money laundering to the stock market trend has now increased, "another broker said," This money last month to increase the share market has also played a role. "

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