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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sunna Sakinna Timro Naramro - Song By Pramod Kharel

Pramod Kharel is Nepal’s most preferred singer for modern songs. Pramod who has completed Masters Degree on Chemistry is actively involved i... thumbnail 1 summary
Pramod Kharel is Nepal’s most preferred singer for modern songs. Pramod who has completed Masters Degree on Chemistry is actively involved in music field. From modern songs to playback, Pramod is one of the most preferred singers. Pramod Kharel’s new song Sakinna Sunna’s official music video has been released on YouTube. Song composed by Tanka Budhathoki is written by Rajesh Aryal. Tanka Budhathoki has composed and arranged the song which is a melodious number where we can see Pramod Kharel singing the song in the video. Darpan Rai has released the video and song from his production company MMS Entertainment. Enjoy this beautiful melodious song of Pramod Kharel right here on Canada Nepal:

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