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Friday, July 15, 2016

A group of soldiers seized power by coup in Turkey has

July 1, 2073- A group of soldiers in Turkey by Ms. Power is captured. Friday night, a group of rebel army overthrew the civilian gover... thumbnail 1 summary
July 1, 2073- A group of soldiers in Turkey by Ms. Power is captured. Friday night, a group of rebel army overthrew the civilian government in Turkey after the administration of confusion control conditions. That people have come out in the streets. Turkey's army has been mobilized around the major cities.

Now, after the military coup of President Recep taiyapa erdogana Istanbul flying. When he was out of the capital Ankara, a group of military coup by the army had claimed. His supporters surrounded the president.

Take a few minutes before the blast in Istanbul taksima Square, two big voice is heard, according to the BBC.

View photo after the military coup in Turkey, state

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