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Sunday, July 31, 2016

In India, 40 killed by lightning , 35 injured

Bartko Nyadilli- eastern Orissa Rajyama Preka Ctyada cause widespread death Jnako Hunaka Satha Kmtima 40 35 Jana Gaite Baka Cn other. Gait... thumbnail 1 summary
Bartko Nyadilli- eastern Orissa Rajyama Preka Ctyada cause widespread death Jnako Hunaka Satha Kmtima 40 35 Jana Gaite Baka Cn other. Gaitemdhye Kehiko alarming state Rheko Btaiako g .thunder Ctyada Angel constituent Dinma Orissa Rajyama Yeti Dera Sdarkhyama Wyktihruko death Bako Bako yo Philo slammed India Rediole Janaako g Official Communications Prsharn al. According to relevant government Pdadikarika Ketma rice Ropda Ropda Kehi Krisklai Akkasi Ctyadale Bettaako Theo Preko. Orissa Rajyama other divine Prkopaka Karnbnda Ctyadale Nai increased damage Dnjnko Graune Btainc Greco. Five thousand five Sybnda Warsbitr Ctyadaka Vigtka cause increased mortality Bako Nagrikhruko Forcing al India Diako g Rediole information. Dui last Mahinama across India due to special kernel North Rajyhruma Ctyadako Prkopaka Manishruko Sdarkhyama unnatural death Bako Bako g Rupama growth. Junka last 22 days in Bihar, Jharkhand and three Rajyama Ratbri Uttrpradeshsmet Ctyadale Kmtima Preko 100 Jnako Jyan Linuka Satha Thia Baka other Thupra Gaite. According to the National Crime Records Centdraka recognized Ctyadaka 2005 death each year due Kmtima Dui thousand Nagrikko Hune g Greco. Bharatma Jundeki September Mahinasamm Clnegrc Mnsun.

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