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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Nawalparashi inundated, rescued Army operations

Parasi: continuous rainfall has inundated Nawalparai sadaramuka Parasi. Parasi inundated hundreds of homes, police said. Local jharahi... thumbnail 1 summary

Parasi: continuous rainfall has inundated Nawalparai sadaramuka Parasi. Parasi inundated hundreds of homes, police said. Local jharahi and ramakhanda flood water after Parasi village is inundated. The water is filled into the field for nearly three seven phutasamma. Been inundated to protect a local tallinachan home. They have demanded the local administration to protect the house. Nepal Police, Armed Police Force, Nepal Army is rescued. Army bazaar area houses around 2 pm dozen villagers have been rescued accidental. Jharahi swept away from their regular flow ramagarama settlement from -2 pasekale Parasi market is inundated. Local residents living in the house, the roof of the house market are pasekale water.

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