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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Prime Minister Oli do not resign to prevent passage of the budget

CPN-Maoist Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli center immediately demanded his resignation is. Center this morning meeting held at Prime Ministe... thumbnail 1 summary
CPN-Maoist Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli center immediately demanded his resignation is.
Center this morning meeting held at Prime Minister Oli resign unless the no-confidence motion to pass the budget to be registered and the Legislature-Parliament has decided to cooperate with the media spokesperson taskforce gave information.
Chairman of the Centre's residence and meeting the government's support of his party to win back the minority government had concluded, she said.
M center of the UML-led government have agreed to abide by the CPDC on Tuesday, citing the government had decided to exit. The Legislature-Parliament meeting adjourned at 11 am this morning.

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