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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

SEOUL, July. North Korea's missile test Tuesday morning, three of the information has been received. The last time North Korea te... thumbnail 1 summary

SEOUL, July. North Korea's missile test Tuesday morning, three of the information has been received. The last time North Korea tested missiles of fuel has continued the trial of NP is again on Tuesday.

Tuesday morning, he has three missile tests. Two of them are at least 500 to 600 were kilomitarasamma marahanne power. Another one said anything about missiles is not stated. South Korea has said the investigation is ongoing.

South Korean Defense Ministry official, on Monday, for the test, he was informed that preparations were minors, some dinayatadekhi secret. On Tuesday, at the same time he received the information daksinale according to the stoning of three missiles. If the answer short distance and does not say about the missile tests.

South Korean Unification Ministry held a press conference on Monday, ministry spokesman NWEDC Jeon Hee Jung seemed to know the answer in the next missile test are given information.

Similarly, only the Japanese government news agency on Sunday, North Korea kyodole notice some suspicious activities in comparison to another, according to the news was learned by trial preparation.

The check up during a press conference in South Korea on Tuesday, a Defence Ministry official opposition and criticism of the incident. North Korea, he would continue to test these missiles, South Korea's national security threats campaigns but nothing has been said that for days.

But such provocative actions in South Korea never gave natarsine information. North Korea's northern province of havagei the test has been made. Tuesday morning, 5: 45 and 6: 40 pm and pelted with missiles by North Korea experts in the Defense Ministry said.

The last months before the North Korea missile was left in coastal areas centered around. In recent days, the north is seen as a test preparation activities have been found in many growing disaster.

The last time the two Korea relationship is very distant. In this test, North Korea, South Korea and the United States against a defensive system have been connected to the incumbent.

North Korea has protested the action very strong words. South Korea and the United States together with the answer if such a system connected to the system of physical action to take if the belly m said.

The last nuclear test by North Korea started gatavarsadekhi Series still has not stopped. Such a series would last days due to the United Nations, the US and South Korea also told bells.

South Korea, the United States and the United Nations has repeatedly urged North Korea nuclear test sessions, he is not roekeko. It will seek to explain the world community of the north have a stubborn nature.

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