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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The last situation I was thinking: Prime Minister Oli

KATHMANDU, July 28 - Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli of CPN-M has withdrawn support for the center government has said the political situat... thumbnail 1 summary
KATHMANDU, July 28 - Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli of CPN-M has withdrawn support for the center government has said the political situation had been contemplating.
He said during Prime Minister's Office out, 'Maoists have received the letter, I thought it about that how to move forward proceedings.'
M Centre informed about the government withdrew support coalition partner, Prime Minister Oli was an informal discussion.
Similarly, Deputy Prime Minister Bhim Rawal said the Maoist decision to withdraw support for the center of the two parties in violation of the 14-point agreement, he added.
He provided political stability and the implementation of the Constitution concerning the latest political events did not mentioned the best. He said, "The last condition of the government and other political parties, a serious discussion of his own party, other parties also discussed the situation analysis we take a decision."
Meeting the country's political situation, decisions and future political situation of M Center was also general discussion. RSS

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