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Friday, April 29, 2016

11 passengers dead in Norway

Located on the west coast of Norway on Friday, traveling crashed helicopter has rescued 11 people dead . The other two still missing, sa... thumbnail 1 summary
Located on the west coast of Norway on Friday, traveling crashed helicopter has rescued 11 people dead . The other two still missing, said the rescue team work attachment .

13 helicopter traveling man , police said. They advised anyone alive to rescue Rescue teams have expressed doubts expressed by the local media .Local media earlier chopper 15 to 17 men were traveling , actually .

After the decision of a terrible explosion about 15 people floating in the sea when seen Norwegian television station TV quoted the states -2 Though it has been said only 13 helicopter Later, local media quoted a civil aviation authority spokeswoman as saying the helicopter's two black boxes had been recovered.

The British Civilian Aviation Authority later said it was suspending commercial use of the Super Puma, so it would be unable to carry oil and gas workers but could still fly for other purposes.The aircraft was flying from the Gullfaks oil field to Bergen, a centre for the North Sea oil and gas industry.Eleven bodies have been found, and two other people are still missing.Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg said news of the crash was "horrible".King Harald and Queen Sonja cancelled a trip to Sweden, Norwegian broadcaster NRK reported.

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