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Saturday, April 23, 2016

15 years later tonight ' mini moon '

Moon today . Moon, the moon looks bulky . But today, especially because it is not a full moon tonight will appear on the small size .... thumbnail 1 summary
Moon today . Moon, the moon looks bulky . But today, especially because it is not a full moon tonight will appear on the small size .' Mini -moon ' means ' small moon called it a time after the accident 15 years does .According to Nepalese time last night about 9 congratulated the moon orbiting the earth 50 minutes to reach the most remote distance . Routes because the moon will appear small in size .Malkot night will be away from the earth, about 406350 miles . Usually the moon remains in the earth 384000 miles . But it will be difficult to see clearly that the normal eye Xinhua said Min . Mini Moon, due to the weak light of the moon will be .Now, in 2030, to December 10, only to see the mini- moon is found . Moon said the day 's close is that the super moon .

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