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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Butwal Revenue Office Open transaction bribes

April 10, Butwal. Tuesday Butwal Revenue office to see an interesting scene found. The outlook Revenue Office for the first time may seem... thumbnail 1 summary

April 10, Butwal. Tuesday Butwal Revenue office to see an interesting scene found. The outlook Revenue Office for the first time may seem strange to anyone, but for outgoing revenue for regular work, it is not a new thing. Airport Revenue Office entered firms identified as carrying linadenako relay center, seems to differ. Revenue Office employees vicauliyaharule than the employees to encourage them to pay bribes.
Tuesday afternoon about 1 pm when turning Revenue Office Butwal -10 sukhkhanagarama grahiharulai was resuming more than middlemen. Bittiya professionals and institutions in the name of the document to prepare arrangements bhajaeka old middlemen who view themselves as seekers entered the room, the room dekhithyo urged. A woman middlemen who themselves went Revenue Office filed invoice field, itself a component of the Office of the hands of the rich land mark phataphat not catch himself .
These middlemen in various rooms of women for work, went to my room one afternoon, sir flame, flame receiver service here, a little saying that at least Rs 5 to Rs 1, giving employees went astray. These recipients are registered as middlemen in the field, she said she's got-yaham give him? "Prompted seekers urged to forge through the quiet and the boys gave the cash borrowed Rs 1 hundred and 50. Do not let these vicauliyale into saying she gave Sir yatti. For the amount of staff grabbed namani.
विचौलिया ति महिलाले विभिन्न कोठा कोठामा पस्दै लौ है सर मेरो काम भन्दै गईन्, सेवा ग्राहीबाट लौ यहाँ, अलिकती भन्दै न्युनतम १ सय रुपैयाँ देखि ५ सय रुपैयाँसम्म लिदै कर्मचारीहरुलाई दिदै गईन् । दर्ता फाँटमा गएपछि ति सेवाग्राहीले विचौलिया महिलासंग सोधिन्–‘यहाँ पनि दिनु पर्छ ?’ सेवाग्राहीलाई संकेत मार्फत चुप लाग्न आग्रह गर्दैै उनल त्यहाँ पनि नगद १ सय ५० रुपैयाँ मागेर दिईन् । ति विचौलियाले लौ न सर यत्ती भन्दै घुस दिईन् । कर्मचारीले लाजै नमानि त्यो रकम लिए । - See more at: http://sajhasabal.com/blog/news/btl-n/#sthash.29rV4qb2.dpuf

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