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Sunday, April 24, 2016

five Indian Policemen have been arrested for enetring nepal without permit

 Punjab, India , saying the Seeker to find the culprit Indian Police Inspector five Indian police have arrested Doti .Sunday morning in west... thumbnail 1 summary
 Punjab, India , saying the Seeker to find the culprit Indian Police Inspector five Indian police have arrested Doti .Sunday morning in western Nepal have entered into the regional headquarters of Doti plain clothes police team arrested by Indian police in Doti .

The western border through the arms Gaddachauki plain clothes police sanagaum Doti Nepal- India security , caukhutte arrested passers . Sanagaum Doti and Ramrosan border area .Indian police accused of the murder case of Punjab in five doctors know who to look for when saying ACHHAM are arrested , " the police source said , " the way they had gone with locals saying pancababatai a par with them , according to srotaka pursue an AK-47 and shot it 25 rounds and 12 rounds of pistol and shot even been found .

They come in anywhere Banbasa the border and border eastward Check in plain clothes reportedly focused. They had reached a private jeep with Doti. Five were lyaimdaicha Kailali. Indian security there can be no weapons in Nepal and goings.

Regional police chief Parbati know when this incident far refused to give details, Bijay Raj Bhatta. "Do not come to me now," said Parbati Bhatta.

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