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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Modi out of the list of influential people

Visvacarcita prestigious magazine Time Magazine in 2016 to the world's hundred most influential people list ataenan Indian Prime Minis... thumbnail 1 summary
Visvacarcita prestigious magazine Time Magazine in 2016 to the world's hundred most influential people list ataenan Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi .

Modi urges Nepal hundred people may list " No Vote Modi ' campaign , Modi did not have the same office at the time the list of impressive squares. The Reserve Bank of India is the land of Modi in the list ( RBI ), the Governor said Rajan raghurama have been able to fit in .

When the governor of the country , Modi this time are not listed in the list of Time hundred influential .

The list of Chinese President jinapinga , North Korea dictator Kim Jong them , rusaka President Vladimir Putin and US President Barack Obama to make this list have been able to place .
Similarly, the owner Mark jukarbarga couple hundred strongert phesabakaka list , Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra , Germany, Angela Merkel whose president , Pope Francis and comedians Aziz Ansari are also Ateca .

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