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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

new disease Virus

The states altogether affected by this 'India Contra Virus' are Utah, Arizona, Florida, Georgia and Louisiana.  This killer f... thumbnail 1 summary
The states altogether affected by this 'India Contra Virus' are Utah, Arizona, Florida, Georgia and Louisiana. 
This killer frightening little creature, at first found in India, has been spoiling people in the United States on a colossal level. Since the first of the year, Emergency rooms the country over have treated more than 1000 people for the 'India Contra Virus.' Since January 1, very nearly 100 people have kicked the pail from achieving the savage bug. 
It is basic that you teach your children never to butcher bug with their uncovered hands or allow its release to touch their body. Show this photo to your family and buddies, especially energetic children, and let them know NOT to go wherever near this dreadful little animal.

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