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Sunday, April 24, 2016

North Korea launches missile from submarine

France has called on the European Union to impose sanctions on North Korea for launching a ballistic missile. Paris urged the international ... thumbnail 1 summary
France has called on the European Union to impose sanctions on North Korea for launching a ballistic missile. Paris urged the international community to adopt a firm and united reaction against Pyongyang. On Saturday, South Korea said its northern neighbor test-fired what is believed to be a submarine-launched ballistic missile in the Sea of Japan, which seemed to have failed.

Seoul said its army forces maintain a full defense posture following the recent missile launch. Pyongyang has performed a nuclear test in January and a rocket launch a month later. The North is already under UN sanctions over its nuclear tests and missile launches. Pyongyang says its nuclear deterrent is a legitimate exercise and that the country will keep building its nuclear arsenal as long as the hostile US policy is in place.

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