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Monday, April 18, 2016

Pokhara International Airport Construction begins

The government is likely to sign a $215.96 million loan deal with China EXIM Bank to build a new international airport in Pokhara during Pr... thumbnail 1 summary
The government is likely to sign a $215.96 million loan deal with China EXIM Bank to build a new international airport in Pokhara during Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli’s planned visit to Beijing on March 20. Baikuntha Aryal, joint secretary at the Ministry of Finance, said they were holding discussions to include the credit agreement on the agenda of the Prime Minister’s China visit. The government has already concluded negotiations with China EXIM Bank for the proposed loan to build the much-talked-about airport. The proposed site at Chinnedanda lies 3 km to the east of Pokhara’s existing domestic airport.The government is likely to sign a $215.96 million loan deal with China EXIM Bank to build a new international airport in Pokhara during Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli’s planned visit to Beijing on March 20. Baikuntha Aryal, joint secretary at the Ministry of Finance, said they were holding discussions to include the credit agreement on the agenda of the Prime Minister’s China visit. The government has already concluded negotiations with China EXIM Bank for the proposed loan to build the much-talked-about airport. The proposed site at Chinnedanda lies 3 km to the east of Pokhara’s existing domestic airport.

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