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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Suddenly a dozen leaders of UCPN- president is sign the UML

Jumla , April 11 . Some leaders of the UCPN-Maoist and CPN-UML have entered by president . The country is the only party working people and ... thumbnail 1 summary
Jumla , April 11 . Some leaders of the UCPN-Maoist and CPN-UML have entered by president .

The country is the only party working people and the development of the CPN-UML , UCPN -Maoist Chairman of abandoning the village committee Payal Bohra Sher Bahadur , leader and officials , including Vice President of love are migrant dissenting .Saturday, the CPN-UML District Representative Council meeting, CPN-UML central vice president and Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Bhim Rawal received the vaccine in the hands of those who are dissenting views.

Saturday, the CPN-UML District Representative Council meeting, CPN-UML central vice president and Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Bhim Rawal received the vaccine in the hands of those who are dissenting viewsSimilarly , Nepali Congress , UML Farmers Association Regional Vice President purnanatha yogi there are migrant . On Friday, more than a dozen different board 1 abandoning the gates of the local leaders have dissenting views

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