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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

twins Pin and Pan’s bond is so strong

CONJOINED twins Pin and Pan’s bond is so strong that they don’t want to be separated - even if it proved medically possible. The seven-year-... thumbnail 1 summary
CONJOINED twins Pin and Pan’s bond is so strong that they don’t want to be separated - even if it proved medically possible. The seven-year-old sisters, from Thailand, were born with their own heads, torsos, and arms but are connected at the waist. The duo share a pair of legs, with Pin having control of one and Pan controlling the other, and have learned to walk, dress, eat - and even ride a tricycle - as one. The twins live in Nakhon Sawan, around 250km north of Bangkok, with their grandparents - who describe them as “normal, happy" children. twins Pin and Pan’s bond is so strong that they don’t want to be separated - even if it proved medically possible. The seven-year-old sisters, from Thailand, were born with their own heads, torsos, and arms but are connected at the waist. The duo share a pair of legs, with Pin having control of one and Pan controlling the other, and have learned to walk, dress, eat - and even ride a tricycle - as one. The twins live in Nakhon Sawan, around 250km north of Bangkok.

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