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Friday, June 17, 2016

Chupuma chupu mud paddy plant

June 4, kathamadaaim. June lagesamgai a flurry of farmers planting has started. This year, the monsoon began on time as some relief to... thumbnail 1 summary

June 4, kathamadaaim. June lagesamgai a flurry of farmers planting has started. This year, the monsoon began on time as some relief to farmers has been.

The major crops as rice is ready in June ropesamgai hugely November.

Most of the time due to plant fruit farmers if Murray yativela are busy. Chupuchupu view of paddy sowing has been started. The rice plant rice plant during the chupuma chupu chadaunla mud, put the water fountain created such asare come godaula is promising to sing.

The government said June 15 is celebrated as the day to rice.

Lalitpur on Friday afternoon when farmers bugmati Bonnie Ward 10 pudola area were busy.

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