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Monday, June 27, 2016

How to increase your vehicles increased?

Kathmandu. Since July 1 the government has increased the annual Ride to me. Economic bill (budget) will be announced through the ... thumbnail 1 summary

Kathmandu. Since July 1 the government has increased the annual Ride to me. Economic bill (budget) will be announced through the karavrddhiko decision applies from July.

The government increased the customs point to the road traffic laws and vehicle taxes is expensive urgency doing heavy growth. Motorcycles and scooters is growing only once to Rs 5 thousand traffic is the department since July 1 251 to 400 cc motorcycles annually 8 thousand rupees to the apartment altogether. Earlier tirnupathryo only 6 thousand.

Similar 4 1 sisibhanda over a hundred vehicles earlier than the rich pay a higher tax of Rs 5 thousand. Earlier, from the large capacity of 1 thousand bikes fare paying the government now have to pay Rs 15 thousand .250 CC motorcycle said cadhneharulai get relief. This time, the small capacity motorcycles, not diktat.

How the car and jeep?
Similarly, private cars and jeeps cadhneharule also by more than the tax money should be spent for small vehicles department antagatako law office branch officer Ganesh Kumar Aryal said. Cases where more than 1 thousand CC car and jipale by more than one thousand tax. Earlier, the 18 purse is made now 1 9 Rs.

Similarly, from 1001 to 1500 more than a thousand CC karadhaniharule also must be paid. Yaaigha of 20 thousand to 21 thousand is reached. Similarly, from 1501 200 CC car / jipale earlier 22 thousand to pay more now, pay Rs 23 thousand.

From 2001 to 25 had flown on the demand for commodities, now 32 thousand to Rs 30 thousand will be adopted. 25 hundred up, and 2 9 hundred and 37 thousand rupees to pay their sisibhanda under the Small vehicles. Earlier, it was Rs 35 thousand.

2 9 001 cars annually over 53 thousand rupees to tirainecha sisibhanda. Rs 50 thousand to commodities such savarisamga Cupertino Accordingly, the tax rate has increased public Vehicles. Various pavkaraka private vehicles and increase taxes to pay yearly production device has.

Dasturale increased ride mahangine
Meanwhile, the government has the duty to take the road to the new savarisamga fee has also increased. Earlier, 125 CC bike can now harvest 7 thousand to 10 thousand rupees has been made timeless. Similarly, from 126 to 250 CC motorcycle harvest handing over Rs 8 now has reached 12 thousand.

Similarly, for 251 to 400 CC motorcycle road fees 15 thousand will take longer. Earlier, it was only 10 thousand. Motorcycle over 401 cc increased to 20 thousand for a fee of Rs 5 has been made.

Similarly, the purpose of all private vehicles bilabijaka harvest earlier and 5 percent of the total cost PBF customs fees snapshot refresh road tax has now been increased by 2 percent. You pay only once this has been 7 percent .That is sure to be a private vehicle price increase 2 percent. A huge increase in motorcycle road fee equal value will increase automatically.

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