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Friday, June 17, 2016

Komal Oli And Raju Pariyar's New Song Recording - Video Report

During a grand event of Lok Dohori Competition, singer Komal Oli teased Minister Sher Dhan Rai which made all audience laugh out loudly. Kom... thumbnail 1 summary
During a grand event of Lok Dohori Competition, singer Komal Oli teased Minister Sher Dhan Rai which made all audience laugh out loudly. Komal Oli gives a funny speech which was a must watch funny video. Komal also shares about the value of Lok Dohori music and why is it important for Nepal and Nepali. Komal Oli was also one of the especial guests at Lok Dohori competition of Nepal where Sher Dhan Rai was chief guests. From today Lok Dohori Competition has been inaugurated which will take place for few days. People from various parts of Nepal can participate on the competition and if they deserved to be winner than he/she will get chance to record song and release. Watch this exclusive funny speech of Komal Oli and the way she tease Sher Dhan Rai is a funny one which will entertain you surely.

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