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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Narayangadh-Mugling road from place to place from 3 to landslides blocked roads

June 12, 2073- Chitwan-MUGLING road construction in various parts of the landslide that fell on Sunday morning, 3 o'clock road has bee... thumbnail 1 summary
June 12, 2073- Chitwan-MUGLING road construction in various parts of the landslide that fell on Sunday morning, 3 o'clock road has been completely blocked.

Police suspected that, according to the Pillion pamcakilo, Seti Rampur, gaundelagayata place in a landslide blocked the highway to the Fall.

Now get rid of the landslide support the work being dozers muglinasthita Area Police Office, Chitwan. Due to landslides blocked roads in different parts of the deceased time to interpret the time, police said.

Floods blocked roads after the long line of vehicles is about. East and west Nepal, Chitwan, Kathmandu and Pokhara and hundreds of vehicles and transport facilities in various parts of ventilation bicabatomai are blocked.

The police come and go ride rides MUGLING Bharatpur, aapatari and Jugedi area is blocked if the capital is not abiding kurinataramai stopped.

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