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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

This report has given the Pentagon flew 13 countries , including India

 New Delhi. China's monitoring of the agenda in the US, but today, the Pentagon also blew a report on India. Revealed that last year the... thumbnail 1 summary
 New Delhi. China's monitoring of the agenda in the US, but today, the Pentagon also blew a report on India. Revealed that last year the United States has the 13 countries border the sea and the sky of the monitoring, they also include India was. After the US operation against India waging why the need? India, like China does not try to capture the sea. Even if the US from India vows of friendship, but the reality of his own evil mind of a Pentagon report has been opened.The freedom to explore the sea and in the air the title of this report is prepared each year. This report is a tribute to the US Navy. These reports have shocked India 2015 is also because it has the 11 countries to challenge US claimed that they even India.
  This report has been told that the US Army has freedom of navigation in that sea and air movement to campaign for the rights of China, India, indonesiya, Iran, Libyan, Malaysia, Maldives, Oman, Philippines and Viet Nam waged against.It was not disclosed in the report is that many countries including China and India in many operations against the United States has waged, but it must have been informed that Taiwan, Nicaragua and Argentina against one she had started operation. After all, what is the United States in such an operation? After all, why upset the US and India should be? Freedom of navigation in the name of the US In fact, the world's marine and air borders of the monitor.

She sends ships and airplanes in those areas where the adjacent areas of the country and treat them and oppose the foreign presence. This reminds America that this area is not only your right to move and here is all. But in reality the US around the edge of your Marine does not tolerate any foreign to hover. India itself is also China's submarine stolen from the Indian Ocean are hidden on reaching Karachi, was balked.
 According to Hitchcock's monitoring of the sea when we are around the clock and we have a very professional around the clock face of China's navy. We do not collide, the only professional to treat. The sea connects you with each other. Train on it to be a naval regardless of any Navy is connected to each other even if their country on diplomatic stand different. The commander of the US Military is clear is saying that no matter good or bad relations with any country around the clock monitoring of its own nature of the US not.

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