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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Medicine for the treatment of cancer

There are thousand people around the world who is suffered from cancer. This is one of the d@ngerous disease. But the Russian Scientist H... thumbnail 1 summary
There are thousand people around the world who is suffered from cancer. This is one of the d@ngerous disease. But the Russian Scientist Histo Memoserk has guaranteed that he has found the natural treatment for this cancer. The scientist of Russia Histo has found the medicine that can be made at home and this would treat the various cancer.
Here are the things that you will need to prepare the foods 400 gram fresh walnut 400 gram Quati (mixture of different pulse) 1 Kg honey 12 piece garlic 15 fresh lemon How to prepare Quati?
Keep the seeds or different pulse on the glass utensils and keep water on it so that it would sink. Keep this for overnight and take out the water next day and wash it properly. Keep that clean seeds or pulse on glass utensils for 24 hours. Than the sprouted quati is formed. Way to prepare medicine Mix Garlic, walnut and quati and grind it. Grind 5 lemon without removing the cover. Squeeze other 10 lemon and mix it properly.
Use the mixture with the wood spoon on a honey. And keep this mixture on glass utensils and keep it on freeze and keep it for 3 days and after it you can take it as medicine. According to Dr. memoserk take this medicine 30 minutes ago before you sleep.If you eat it for cancer than take it 1-2 spoon in each 2 hours. He says that this is useful to remain healthy as well. This is very beneficial for cancer. This will help you to look young and it also provides you energy. This will increase the immunity power as well and metabolism of the body is increased as well.

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