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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Koshi river flow increases,22 doors were opened

Itahari, 5 August. After being released Tuesday by torrential rains in eastern hilly region also started to flow Koshi river Koshi Barrage... thumbnail 1 summary
Itahari, 5 August. After being released Tuesday by torrential rains in eastern hilly region also started to flow Koshi river Koshi Barrage Control Panel pravidhikaharule information are given.

7 o'clock in the morning today, 61 thousand 425 during the Kosi barrage a million cusecs of water flow has been measured. On Tuesday evening, the rising flow of the river Kosi continues to have opened the door this morning barrage of 22.

Koshi floods in Sunsari District Police Chief, Superintendent of Police to decide on the provision of information concerning the flow to continue giving hilly areas due to overnight rain still flooding in Koshi Koshi Barrage is estimated in the region of the flow can reach police said.

This is on July 1 this year more than two million 35 thousand cusecs second against the flood of measurement and opened the door that day, the 56 cusec 35 Pokharel also informed Superintendent of Police. RSS

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