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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Nepali Police Beating Rickshaw Driver At Public Place - Video Report

Nepal police has started a campaign named as ‘Muskan Sahit Ko Sewa’ which means that police and traffic police will be available at public p... thumbnail 1 summary
Nepal police has started a campaign named as ‘Muskan Sahit Ko Sewa’ which means that police and traffic police will be available at public place with smile and they won’t show harsh face or bitter expression to public whatever the situation comes. Police means to provide security to public at any cost but a recent scenario at Terai has brought too many negative impression towards Nepal police. One police officer has badly beat a rickshaw driver in a filmy style. By watching the pictures you can assume this may be a filmy scene but that is a real scene at Terai. A Police officer has beat a rickshaw driver so badly. Watch a short video report and check photos also:

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