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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Vegetable prices hike in Kathmandu

Vegetable prices have spiked in recent days leading shoppers to turn their backs on popular items and leaving retailers with piles of unsold... thumbnail 1 summary
Vegetable prices have spiked in recent days leading shoppers to turn their backs on popular items and leaving retailers with piles of unsold stock. Most vegetables now cost from Rs60 to Rs100 per kg, said the Kalimati Fruits and Vegetables Development Board (KFVDB). According to retailers, customers have stopped buying a number of vegetables which they used to consume on a daily basis. Tomato prices have climbed sharply with the unforgettable vegetable now costing as much as Rs110 per kg. Prices of beans and capsicum in retail shops have reached Rs90 and Rs100 per kg respectively. The average price of mushroom is Rs165 per kg. Sudeep Mainali, a vegetable retailer at Old Baneshwor, said that he had not been able to sell some of his stock pointing to a pile of cucumbers which had started to rot as they remained unsold for a long time due to the high prices.

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