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Friday, June 24, 2016

Wild mushroom eaten7 family 2 9 people sick

  Nuwakot, June 10 - The Samaritan VDC wild mushroom 2 to 9 people have fallen sick. Mabel Samaritan village VDC-6 7 2 9 of the family ar... thumbnail 1 summary
Nuwakot, June 10 - The Samaritan VDC wild mushroom 2 to 9 people have fallen sick. Mabel Samaritan village VDC-6 7 2 9 of the family are sick.
Thursday evening, Friday morning they began to get sick of mushroom eaten. Abdominal pain, the patient is undergoing treatment for symptoms such as vomit trishuli district hospital, police said.
Wild mushroom khaekaharu vision of those in serious illness Tamang, Tamang issuer, Dawa Tamang, Tamang and Kamal Tamang namjela sent to Kathmandu for treatment, according to the district hospital. Now 24 people are being treated at the hospital.
Each year in the jungle near the village bringing food mushrooms mushroom for the first time this year, victims of the locals. "Before some of the same forest mushroom was. This year's was the 'Samaritan -6 Mabel patient 63 years viramana Tamang said,' I am the pick brought. He also distributed to others even plight. This year is the first time they ate. '
Although many kinds of mushroom found in the forest engaging varkha they do not know if eaten Kumal said race

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