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Friday, June 17, 2016

Wreaks havoc in southern China, fourteen people were killed

Beijina China's southern region due to last three days, a period of great downpour, floods killed 14 people died and seven were missing ... thumbnail 1 summary
Beijina China's southern region due to last three days, a period of great downpour, floods killed 14 people died and seven were missing national flood control and drought management office said Friday.

Three days due to incessant rainfall in southern China, many have been inundated and the water level in the river reached the highest point in nearly a million 37 thousand people has been moved to a secure sthalatarpha.

Eight million four billion due to the recent storm 9 0 million US dollars worth of damage, according to China.

In the beginning of 2016 until now due to bad weather in northern China, 9, 8 people were killed and 27 people are missing.

This year for 34 thousand houses collapsed due to flood damage in China is estimated at around 20 billion Yuyan.

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