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Friday, July 22, 2016

12 hours later, the girl was buried alive in pits removed

Uttar Pradesh in India has been a critical and unusual incident. About 20 miles away dhaurra agarabhanda UP A 6-year-old girl living in a ... thumbnail 1 summary
Uttar Pradesh in India has been a critical and unusual incident. About 20 miles away dhaurra agarabhanda UP A 6-year-old girl living in a village buried in the ground 12 hours has been rescued alive.

According to the news last Wednesday night at home sleeping 6-year-old dilute your side in any unknown person named baghel nidramai up unintentionally. Two at night sleeping with the daughter of the girl's father Vinod trimmed naparepachi Halli khalli was found. Scattered everywhere but could not find the girl.

The next morning, 8 o'clock to go to graze buffalo buried in mud near the forest gothalaharule saw a man come out of his feet. Then came the shepherd approaching the village could look all that being said, the villagers went to khosiraera dilute the buried girl was diagnosed. Thanks to their eyes, nose, mouth and feet are covered with mud anymore.

Despite all the other buried in the clay Jiu due to breath, he survived 12 hours also became flooded pit. Puraiyo him out of the hospital and is now undergoing treatment told her. The girl who slept take place at midnight

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