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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

China landslide locked Koshi

Sindhupalcokah Nepal-China border area of ​​two kilometers north China landslide area is made Koshi jail terrified locals. Now, the water... thumbnail 1 summary
Sindhupalcokah Nepal-China border area of ​​two kilometers north China landslide area is made Koshi jail terrified locals.
Now, the water shut Koshi night landslide landslides taking place from bahava general ledosahitako water damage Tatopani Mansarovar school is. Similarly, the bus ceramic pastes lipinako thupriekale problem has occurred.
Similarly, the current area Tatopani also swept away some houses Sindhupalchowk Industry Association vice president Arjun Sapkota said.

Telephone service has been blocked due to flooding swept there is athakiloma have faced the problem of landslide ride ghatanile said Raju. According to the founders and landslides from the normal water flow in Koshi ghatanika ledosahitako water damage to the state is more.
Vehicle barriers and because of contact with the local media for the rescue chopper also ghatanile said there was no alternative.
During night time, the water level receded Koshi lipinako the southern part of the coastal region, people fled their areas were mountainous sector.

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