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Friday, July 1, 2016

Cool Super Realistic Humanoid Geminoid F Robot

Hiroshi Ishiguro, one of Japan's most famous robot makers, caused a splash back in April, when he unveiled Geminoid-F, one of the most r... thumbnail 1 summary
Hiroshi Ishiguro, one of Japan's most famous robot makers, caused a splash back in April, when he unveiled Geminoid-F, one of the most realistic humanoids ever. Last month, a variation of the robot, which is named Actroid-F, was shown to the public (Actroid-F is supposed to one day take on the role of a robotic nurse in hospitals). And over the weekend, the android was used as an actress for the first time, for a play running for two days in Tokyo. "Sayonara" has a real director (a person called Oriza Hirata) and two actresses (American Bryerly Long, next to Geminoid-F). Geminoid-F's role is a caretaker reciting poetry to Long, who plays a lonely, dying woman. For more info: http://www.igotlobang.com/super-reali...

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