If it is frozen blood bond: bakainoko leaves mixed by pinera bamdhnale quickly heal the wound is.
- Itching disease: bakainoko flowers pinera wound, rash, itching where checking is OK.
- White dubima: 10 leaves Nim, 10 bakaino pinera leaves and mash some time, it is not ticked.
- Herpes disease: the ripe seeds bakainoko dust whipped lemon checking herpes disease is cured.
- The rock diseases: bakainoko 1 teaspoon of leaf juice mixed with a half teaspoon javakhara enva gall bladder stone goes bihanarabeluka eating.
- Luca necessary: bakainoko 50 grams to 300 grams of water jacket and the fourth part of the rest of umalnuhos keep balm and tea after eating cobbler 1,1 bihanarabeluka boy-girl, old wizened roundworms whose stomach is also 2 and 4 days is OK.
- If the woman's menstrual more: bakainoko leaf juice to eat a teaspoon of blood bihanarabeluka the disease than is right.
- A woman stopped menstruation: bakainoko flower juice mixed with half a teaspoon of honey, half a teaspoon of religion bihanarabeluka have stopped eating and regular is open.
- The uterus for purification: bakainoko leaf juice and 1 teaspoon daily 1 bihanarabeluka if the uterus to be purified.
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