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Thursday, July 21, 2016

List of Nepali Prime Ministers Since 2046

Riot police today intervened in a protest rally organised by medical and dental health professionals loyal to Dr Govinda KC after the latter... thumbnail 1 summary
Riot police today intervened in a protest rally organised by medical and dental health professionals loyal to Dr Govinda KC after the latter allegedly tried to break through the barbed wire fence set up at the prohibited zone outside the Prime Minister’s official residence in Baluwatar. The demonstrators, most of whom were clad in white coat and were carrying placards with slogans in support of Dr KC, also engaged in a brief clash with the cops. However, no injury was reported on both the sides. The protesting doctors called on the government to fulfill the demands put forth by Dr KC. The Metropolitan Police Range, Teku said 12 persons were arrested and kept in the Metropolitan Police Circle, Kamalpokhari for trying to enter the prohibited zone. They were released later today.

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