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Monday, July 18, 2016

Mahakali water rises up, fear among locals

Incessant rainfall for past two days has caused a sudden rise in the water level in Mahakali River, causing fear among locals in Darchula di... thumbnail 1 summary
Incessant rainfall for past two days has caused a sudden rise in the water level in Mahakali River, causing fear among locals in Darchula district of far-western Nepal. The relentless rainfall has also increased the risk of floods and inundation of areas on the banks of the river. Darchula Chief District Officer Mohan Raj Joshi said fear of floods and potential sweeping away of settlements have panicked the locals as the reconstruction work following a heavy loss in the 2013 Mahakali floods is still underway. Our rapid response team is on standby in case any adversity strikes us.” A flood in Mahakali River has swept away a section of the road that links the district headquarters of Darchula, Khalanga, and Bangabazaar, said SP Sunil Singh. However, the District Disaster Rescue Committee has dismissed any possibility of floods as the water level is yet to reach the mark that is considered dangerous.

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