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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Nepali Congress General Secretary Dr. Shashanka Koirala diagnosed aspiration pneumonia

Nepali Congress General Secretary Dr. Shashanka Koirala, who is undergoing treatment at Om Hospital on Wednesday morning, has been diagnosed... thumbnail 1 summary
Nepali Congress General Secretary Dr. Shashanka Koirala, who is undergoing treatment at Om Hospital on Wednesday morning, has been diagnosed with aspiration pneumonia. “Dr. Koirala has been diagnosed as suffering from aspiration pneumonia. Even though his vital signs are improving his medical condition is still critical. He is being treated on ventilator,” attending Dr Hari Kishor Shrestha said while briefing the journalists on the condition of Koiraloa.

According to him Koirala’s present condition does not allow to take him aboard for treatment. He is being administered antibiotics and hopefully he would regain consciousness after 48 hours, added Shrestha. Currently, his blood pressure is low at 90/60, his heart rate is 145 beats per minute, oxygen saturation 90 and urine measured 50 ML per hour. His Chest X-ray has shown extensive pneumonia of left lung. Koirala, 58, had been rushed to OM Hospital for treatment after complaints of abdominal pain and respiratory problem.

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