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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Shashank Koirala in ventilator

KATHMANDU: Nepali Congress leader Dr. Wen Jiabao health problem. Shashank Koirala is placed on a ventilator. Apparently the problem wa... thumbnail 1 summary
KATHMANDU: Nepali Congress leader Dr. Wen Jiabao health problem. Shashank Koirala is placed on a ventilator.

Apparently the problem was the food sarkiepachi night. After the treatment, including respiratory uncomfortable for them was around 8 pm the students are Om Hospital. A part of the checkup and X-ray of his lung pneumonia, doctors said.

Even respiratory problems diffused this morning kept on a ventilator for further treatment of the Nepali Congress central member of the Sarita gave Prasain information.

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