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Sunday, July 3, 2016

This symptoms signifies the Kidney Damage

Hungegets away: The first problem of liver is that you don’t feel hungry. Body can’t take vitamins and minerals due to which you will be laz... thumbnail 1 summary
Hungegets away: The first problem of liver is that you don’t feel hungry. Body can’t take vitamins and minerals due to which you will be lazy and weak. So you need to be ware if you are not feeling hungry for weeks or more than a week. Feels like vomiting: The another symptoms is you will feel dizzy and feels like vomiting. This causes problem in digestion and other pain comes in the stomach. Due to which you will get vomit time to time. So you need to consult to a doctor if you feels like vomiting if you eat any kinds of foods. The color of eyes changes: The main symptoms of Jaundice and hepatitis is you’re your eyes and skin gets pale. If the color of eyes changes during morning than it symbolize there is problem in kidney. Hence if the change of color in eyes is there than you need to understand that you have problem in kidney. Black Urine: If the liver stops working properly than the white salt increases in development. The salt can’t break so there will be bitter and black water formed in the body. This black water goes through the urine or stool. This symbolize jaundice. Stomach pain and swelling: Liver is situated at the upper right part of the stomach. If the little pain or little disturbance is on this part than this symbolizes the problem in liver. When the kidney swells there will be the pain in upper part of the stomach. Feet gets white: There are various reason for the white feet, on which one reason is the problem that comes to the kidney. The kidney cannot throw the unwanted materials of the body and it gets stuck in the feet. This problem is caused due to the extreme use of alcohol.

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