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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Turkey military coup - At least 200 people died, 1,440 people injured and 2.839 detained

Some 2,839 soldiers, including high-ranking officers, have been arrested over an attempted coup that is now over, says Turkey's PM Binal... thumbnail 1 summary
Some 2,839 soldiers, including high-ranking officers, have been arrested over an attempted coup that is now over, says Turkey's PM Binali Yildirim. In a night he called a "black stain on Turkish democracy", he said 200 people had been killed and 1,440 wounded. Explosions and gunfire were heard in Ankara, Istanbul and elsewhere overnight and thousands of Turks heeded President Erdogan's call to rise up against the coup-plotters. It is not clear who is behind the coup.

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