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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Woman finds 8-foot snake under her car, SUV in Kingston

A woman saw a large snake slither into the undercarriage of her SUV, a herpetologist and bystander managed to remove and rescue the boa cons... thumbnail 1 summary
A woman saw a large snake slither into the undercarriage of her SUV, a herpetologist and bystander managed to remove and rescue the boa constrictor. A woman in Pennsylvania found a stowaway in the chassis of her car, an eight-foot-long boa constrictor. When Katie Hauer saw the slithering reptile under her vehicle, a snake expert and a tow truck driver were called in for help. The two men went under the car to grapple with the snake, which was taken to be treated by experts. The boa is expected to be okay. A woman from Luzerne County may have taken a ride with an unusual passenger on Thursday -- an 8-foot-long boa constrictor! Katie Hauer found the slithering surprise near her SUV in a Kingston 

The elaborate rescue effort was caught on camera by our fearless Photojournalist Lonnie Miller. A herpetologist, someone who studies reptiles and amphibians, was called to the scene. The vehicle was raised off the ground, and for 45 minutes, the expert wrestled with the snake. The snake was placed into a container and loaded into a truck. The herpetologist told Eyewitness News the boa constrictor is likely someone's lost pet, but he was still looking for the owner.

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