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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Prime Minister Kp Oli Last Cabinet

As defeat stared on his face, Prime Minister K P Oli has decided to tender his resignation from the post without facing the vote on the No-... thumbnail 1 summary
As defeat stared on his face, Prime Minister K P Oli has decided to tender his resignation from the post without facing the vote on the No-Confidence in the afternoon. According to an aide to the Prime Minister, Oli would announce his resignation from the floor of the House, and submit it to President Bidhya Devi Bhandari soon after Parliament session is adjourned Sunday. He will also be recommending to the President that Article 305 meant for removing any unforeseen hurdle in the implementation of the constitution be invoked in order to dispel the prevailing confusion in the constitution in electing a new Prime Minister once Oli is out.

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