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Monday, July 11, 2016

Amērikā asurakṣita bhandai āphnā nāgarakilā'ī surakṣita rahana cāra dēśakō āgraha Four of the country unsafe, saying the United States to stay safe urged thair people

ashington: Four countries, saying the United States is not secure, their citizens are warned to remain vigilant. Asvetamathi American Pol... thumbnail 1 summary
ashington: Four countries, saying the United States is not secure, their citizens are warned to remain vigilant.
Asvetamathi American Police abused and then display of violence, saying they continue to provide such information to him. In the United States expressed concerns about recent incidents of abuse and violence has begun to be.
This is based upon the government to declare the Middle East and kyarebiyaka did. Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates have declared for the first time are bahamasale. A black man was killed by police in Louisiana and Minnesota. Several US cities are being performed against it. Pradarsanakaribica police during demonstrations and clashes are taking place. Five police were killed in a protest last week in Dallas. They had black target.
The majority of the citizens of African descent in the Caribbean country is warning its citizens bahamasale is, 'Be careful, as we walk in the city in the United States. Police target black youths there has to make. " Bahamas 83 percent of the population is black.
Tigers Asian country has issued a similar notice. Embassy of the United States crowded the place of their nationals in the US-baharainako care is urged to walk only. Embassy tvitamarphata given this information.
Bahamas Ministry of Foreign Travel Consulting (Travel Advisory) is issuing said, "especially the young American police alert to speak, they asked only to give without debate."
Similarly, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the United States has urged his citizens to be careful and student. The US State Department terror, violence, murder of the way to give the country has warned UAE.
UAE Embassy in areas where congestion their citizens not to go and to avoid any pradarsanadekhi has called. In addition, any festival, the ceremony as the idea is, also directed. Similarly, only a sense of New Zealand also has urged its citizens to travel to the United States.
Only the United States this month, Bangladesh, Venezuela, Iraq, malijasta country has warned their citizens to travel.

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