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Monday, July 11, 2016

How to theoli,s chair trap?

KATHMANDU-point and point-modest agreement in writing two months, the government of Prime Minister KP Oli term regulatory successful tr... thumbnail 1 summary

KATHMANDU-point and point-modest agreement in writing two months, the government of Prime Minister KP Oli term regulatory successful trap has the same agreement. NC, UML support by listening to exercise their own leadership has begun. The NC president Sher Bahadur Deuba and Maoist Chairman of the Centre has become pracandavica consent.

How was the party chair trap?
Maoist on last April 21, the government took back to defend the formation of a national consensus government was trying to start. Then the various sanvadapachi UML and the Maoist-point and point-gentleman's agreement was made in writing. The Maoists' Congress and was also close to. However, the NC and the Maoist coalition agreement NC will not be able to.

Naubumdeko very first initiative for a national consensus government after the budget presentation was noted. However, the budget presented in June after May 15 for the UML-led government came to understanding the Maoists homework. Maoist unity government agenda and the center began to raise and leaders began to give expression in this regard.

Maoist-led national unity government which is prepared to divulge the information to make them even. June 18 meeting of the Politburo decided to form a consensus government and its institutional responsibility Prachanda said. The Maoist-led government, is only a few priority to is the. This meeting of the Maoist decision was taken to make the case milnesamga coalition.

Prime Minister and Nepali Congress vice president politavyuro vaithakapachi adds sabhapatisamga dialog. Support a wife asked for a consensus government. According to agreement by the leadership to help make the unity government had appealed to the Prime Minister Prachanda rejected Oli.

Olile executed agreed to bring the queuing process to make the alliance even with Prachanda kamgresasamgai all. The first of these two partivica to the dialog for a new coalition agreement has been internal. However, a formal agreement has not been some pravidhikapaksa namilekale. Absence of government support to the Maoists signed the agreement to give both the NC and the Maoists sources tells us that.

According to Tihar saretaka severe and Deuba are ready for a shift of leadership. UML also possible to form a coalition government led by Prachanda took his exercise continues today. However, UML coalition will likely kamgesasahitako is the weakest source says. All work will be completed by mid-July the new alliance said the source.

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